Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Start Living Like The Main Character In Your Life Story - Rich Gee

Success takes initiative. This is a great blog entry about taking responsibility for your future like its the story of your life. In the current economic conditions, you are more likely to succeed in whatever you do if you take responsibility, not wait for someone else to help.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

8 Qualities of Remarkable Employees - Jeff Haden

There was a great article recently in Inc. magazine about the eight qualities of remarkable employees, this is modern day thinking.  There are some of these that managers and leaders that live in the past could see as non compliant.

1. They ignore job descriptions.
2. They’re eccentric...
3. But they know when to dial it back.
4. They publicly praise...
5. And they privately complain.
6. They speak when others won’t.
7. They like to prove others wrong
8. They’re always fiddling.

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